Download the full schedule in iCalendar (.ics) format.

- Heroku Hack Day
Hack together with Rails core, Rubinious core and JRuby core. Don't forget to register your ticket. Location here.

- GitHub Boat Party
Explore the canals of Amsterdam together with EuRuKo and GitHub. Don't forget to take your bring your ticket, boarding location is at the Waterlooplein. You can take any metro or tram 9 or 14 to the Waterlooplein, from thereit's a short walk to the Amstel.
Time | What | Speaker |
Registration | ||
Welcome | ||
Keynote | Yukihiro Matsumoto | |
A Case of Accidental Concurrency | Sean Cribbs | |
Ruby is unlike a Banana | Vincent Marti | |
LUNCH | ||
CocoaPods - A tale of two star-cross’d communities | Eloy Durán | |
ZeroMQ: Supercharged Sockets | Rick Olson | |
Ruby's bin men: a closer look at the garbage collector | Elise Huard | |
Modular & reusable front-end code with HTML5, Sass and CoffeeScript | Roy Tomeij | |
Ruby & Erlang -- At Scale with Style | Martin Rehfeld | |
Lightning Talks | ||
End of day 1 |

- ClubJudge Party
Blast your remaining energy away in one of the many cool clubs in Amsterdam. Located close to the venue held in Club Home.
Time | What | Speaker |
Doors open | ||
Welcome | ||
Keynote | Geoffrey Grosenbach | |
Building a Ruby Library, the Parts No One Talks About | Mitchell Hashimoto | |
Code Insight: Rubinius 2.0 and Nikita | Brian Ford | |
LUNCH | ||
The Future is Dead: Long live the Past | Bruno Aguirre | |
Beyond Ruby | Konstantin Haase | |
Bundle install Y U SO SLOW | Terence Lee | |
JRuby, dudes! | Charles Nutter | |
Lightning Talks | ||
EuRuKo Voting | ||
End of day 2 |

- Scalarium Final Party
This years final party will be held in the most creative and exclusive location in Amsterdam. Join us to play some frisbee, chill out dance and drink at Roest. Location here. Don't forget to bring your badge!