Welcome to EuRuKo 2012
The countdown has started! EuRuKo 2012 is around the corner and it's high time we wrote you a blog post to let you know what is going on!
Let me start off by giving everyone a big warm welcome to the EuRuKo Blog, or as we like to call it The Hype Machine
This is where our weekly updates will go, with everything from sponsors to the all important drink ups.
This years EuRuKo will be awesome, with a capital A! First off, it is being held in beautiful, amazing Amsterdam filled with lovely canals, a colored nightlife, and some very relaxed smoking laws.
We have a fair bit of news to share, so let's get started!
If you have been keeping abreast with the twitter account you know that our official Call for Proposals (link to cfp repo) has opened. We thought to ourselves, We use GitHub on a daily, if not hourly, basis, why not use it for the talk proposals as well?!?
So now you can fork the EuRuKo talk proposals GitHub repo, add your proposal, then send us a pull request! Or, if you want, why not comment on another talk proposal and give some feedback, or even just a +1 :)
We have an amazing venue for this years event. The Tusinski Theatre is not only a beautiful theatre rich in history, but it is in the heart of Amsterdam. The theatre spans three levels, although we will only be using two of them, which allows us to increase the number of tickets this year to 550 (including sponsors and volunteers).
Which brings us to the all important question: when do tickets go on sale?
On the 13th of March, at 8pm, 150 tickets, including 30 micro sponsorship tickets, will go on sale through Amiando. This will be the first of three ticket releases, not including a user group ticket release, which is a special surprise with more details to follow soon.
The price this year will be 65 EUR including 19% VAT. This is an increase from last year, but sadly it was inevitable due to the high prices of Amsterdam. We will make it up to you by putting on the best EuRuKo this world has ever seen though ;)
I also want to send some huge love to the fantastic team behind this years EuRuKo. We will have a blog post up soon to introduce you to the team, but until then why not send them a tweet to say thanks, or even better, follow them on twitter :)
Bruno Antunes, Thijs Cadier, Kevin van Dijk, Norbert Crombach, Danny Hiemstra, Justin Halsall, Josh Kalderimis, Jan Kus, Chris Obdam and Timon Vonk
If you have any questions or comments, don't be afraid to send us an email or tweet us at @euruko.
A big jumping High 5 to everyone!
The EuRuKo Team