Users Group Tickets
We’re thrilled to announce the results of the recent Ruby Users Group ticket initiative. We wanted to give something back to the users groups that play such a huge and important role in the community, so we dedicated a block of tickets that user group organizers could write in and request. The response was been fantastic, and we’re excited to announce that all the organizations which applied will get tickets.
Rubyists wrote to us from 20 different groups meeting in cities large – London, Tokyo, Berlin, Madrid, Paris, Athens, among others – and small – Groningen, Lyon, Thessaloniki, Belfast, and many more. Reading through the descriptions of the users groups and their activity was inspiring to me – the Ruby community is huge and vibrant, and people are doing fascinating work everywhere. (By the 10th email, I started seriously considering how I could plan all future trips around users group meetings.)
We’re particularly excited to invite Japan’s most active users group, Asakusa.rb. They meet every Thursday (154 and counting) with a cast of Ruby heavyweights like you normally would expect to see at a conference – not just Akira Matsuda (creator of Kaminiari and CRuby core team member), who wrote to us, but also (to just pick a few from the list) the people behind WEBrick, test/unit, YARV, the 1.8 and 1.9 release managers, and not only Matz but Matz’s boss. Wow. Looking forward to that!
Another interesting group was the AvocadoDB project, a new open-source NoSQL project that’s beta-testing mruby, the new embedded Ruby project. We’re excited to hear firsthand about their firsthand experiences with the new implementation (perhaps a lightning talk?).
The complete list of participating cities, in alphabetical order: Athens, Belfast, Berlin, Cologne (2 groups), Düsseldorf, Edinburgh, Eindhoven, Groningen, Hamburg (2 groups), Kiev, London, Lyon, Madrid, Paris, Thessaloniki, Tokyo, Warsaw, Zürich.
We’ll be sending emails with coupon codes to all the groups in the next few days, and look forward to meeting them – and everyone else – in less than a month!
See you in Amsterdam!
The EuRuKo Team